WebSite Auditor Features
With WebSite Auditor dozens of little-known SEO tweaks, which used to work for a small circle of techie gurus only, now play into your hands.
Look through the comparison chart to see the differences between two WebSite Auditor's editions: Professional and Enterprise, or read on about the killer features WebSite Auditor is jam-packed with.
See for yourself why this powerful software is about to change SEO surface once and forever. Explore the huge rank-boosting opportunities WebSite Auditor gives you by applying on-page optimization to your website as a system.
So, what exactly WebSite Auditor does for you?
- Makes your whole website system work seamlessly
- Builds Google XML Sitemaps to boosts your site's indexation
- Creates and manages robots.txt files
- Optimizes the content of every page of your website
- Spots your site's most visited pages
- Suits SEO newbies, as well as battle-hardened SEO pros
- Boosts productivity with top-notch optimization reports
- Offers top customizability and flexibility
- Guards you with numerous safety features
- Works on any platform and speaks different languages
Makes your whole website system work seamlessly
Analyzes your website's structure
WebSite Auditor spreads before your eyes the whole picture of your website's architecture. This way you can analyze and optimize your site as a system, so that it works like a dream, and then focus on each page taken separately. The unique two-level approach lets your website hook top search engine positions break-neck quickly.
Checks each page for dozens of structure and HTML-coding related factors
In a single mouse click, you can analyze your pages for dozens of crucial factors that deal with your website's structure and HTML-coding:
- HTTP status codes
- Broken links
- HTML code errors
- Page size
- HTML code size
- Titles
- Meta descriptions
- Meta keywords
- Total links
- External links
- Nofollow links
- Cache date in Google, Yahoo! and Bing
- Popularity according to Google and Yahoo!
- Popularity in social media: Diigo, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Social Mention
- and more
If there is any other factor you're interested in, just request it to be added to WebSite Auditor. All you have to do is fill in a simple form!
Lets you eliminate any page loading problems
A must-be requirement for any website aiming at 1st rankings is that all its pages load properly. Loading problems on one single page can undermine the rankings of all others.
With WebSite Auditor you can instantly check HTTP status codes for all your pages to see if there are any load problems and what these problems are caused by.
Alarms you of any out-of-order links
For your website to have a perfect reputation in Google's eyes and the unshakable #1 position in its search results, all links on your pages must be right as nails. WebSite Auditor signals you if there are any broken links on your pages, so that you can fix them right off.
Controls that your HTML code is absolutely faultless
WebSite Auditor is a solid guarantee that all your pages are written in error-free and up-to-validation-standards HTML language. The tool momentarily warns you if there are any problem spots in your pages' HTML code.
Handles page title issues
WebSite Auditor lets you put to rights the titles used on the pages of your website. With this tool you're secured against duplicate titles that are like a red flag to Google and can seriously hamper your website's advancing to the cherished top. Besides, with this tool you can pump up the traffic you get by writing click-attractive titles for each of the pages.
Gives you full control over your website's link structure
With WebSite Auditor you can easily analyze all vital factors concerning your website's link structure: total and external links, links with and without the nofollow attribute, most linked-to and linked-from pages (with linked-to URLs listed), the way your links account for Google PageRank distribution and much more. With all these data, you're dead sure to organize your link structure in the most efficient way, so that it gives a solid boost to your rankings' raise.
Keeps track of your pages' popularity in social media
WebSite Auditor does a bang up job analyzing your pages' popularity in major social media sources: Diigo, Delicious, Social Mention, etc. You can figure out which of the sources send you solid traffic flows or bring more links to push your website higher in search engines. It means that with WebSite Auditor you focus your promotional efforts on the most profitable media sources only.
Monitors ranking factors for your domain
For you to be in the full know of each and every aspect that may further speed up your website's flight to the top of Google, along with countless factors that deal with your separate pages, WebSite Auditor lets your check numerous factors related to your domain.
Click the image for a bigger screenshot
Make use of website structure analysis module immediately, or read on to discover Website Auditor's content optimization skills.
Builds Google XML Sitemaps to boost your site's indexation
Generates XML Sitemaps with all pages you wish to include
Having a Sitemap submitted to search engines ensures that all pages of your site get quickly indexed and ranked in search engines, with none of your content left unnoticed. Just select the pages you wish to include, and WebSite Auditor will instantly generate a Google-friendly XML Sitemap for you site.
Uploads the Sitemap onto your site and submits it to search engines
In one click of a mouse, WebSite Auditor will upload the generated Sitemap onto your website via FTP and automatically submit it to major search engines: Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Ask

Creates and manages robots.txt files
Sets robots.txt rules to specify how search engines should crawl your content
Make use of this feature to oversee the way search engines visit and index your website. With WebSite Auditor, generating robots.txt files and keeping them under control is as easy as clicking a button!
If there's any content you'd like to hide from search engines, just create a disallow rule for them.
Uploads the robots.txt file to a website via FTP
One more easy step, and WebSite Auditor will upload the created robots.txt file to your website, and search engines will visit your site according to the rules YOU set.
Take three minutes more to watch a help video on creating and managing robots.txt files and dwell deeper into this powerful feature.
Optimizes the content of every page of your website
Optimizes the content of separate pages
With WebSite Auditor's content optimization module, you can supply search-engine-friendly content for each of your website's pages, whatever topics they cover. Moreover, to get even more traffic, you can optimize different pages for different keywords, covering as many keyword niches as you wish. You'll get to know how well your page is optimized right now, identify any problems, get priceless advice on what is to be changed and watch the page rising higher and higher in Google.
Provides optimization advice for specific Search Engines
You can optimize your pages' content for numerous international and local search engines. WebSite Auditor unearths what content knacks work best for each of the search engines you specify, so that you target your SEO efforts laser-precisely.
Today WebSite Auditor supports 750 search engines, including Google, Yahoo! and Bing and many more.
Optimizes pages in any language (Supports UTF-8)
WebSite Auditor assists in optimizing your pages' content for keywords in any languages (that's one of the reasons it's in use in over 100 countries worldwide).
Determines ideal keyword density for your specific keywords
You get directions as to how many times to use your targeted keywords in each page element. Thus you make your keywords prominent on your webpage, so that they bring you traffic.
Analyzes keyword optimization of each HTML element
WebSite Auditor will analyze how many words are used in each important element of your page's HTML code and will tell you how well each of them is optimized for high rankings right now.
Gives a general analysis of keyword use
The software supplies you with density, prominence and word count figures for all words used on your website. This helps you pinpoint profitable keywords that you're not targeting right now but that might be good for your traffic.
Indicates problem areas on your pages
This onpage optimization tool will quickly locate which parts of your page are well-optimized and which ones need quick fixing. All these will be marked in the report, so you easily see what exactly to work at.
Compares your pages with 10 top-ranking competitors
Compare your pages with search engine leaders to estimate your current chances to gain the traffic-winning positions. And get advice to tailor your own pages to effectively compete in your business niche.
Uncovers competitors' onpage optimization strategy
WebSite Auditor allows you to unveil winning onpage optimization methods of the 10 leading websites in your niche — all in a matter of seconds.
Quickly pinpoints the HTML-code element that you optimize right now
WebSite Auditor will highlight critical elements in your page's code, letting you quickly find any problem areas and take action.
Get WebSite Auditor on your computer straight off, or continue reading about its features for beginners and professional SEOs.
Spots your site's most visited pages
With Google Analytics' laser targeted traffic data poured right into WebSite Auditor, you can analyze how many Visits each of your web pages gets.
This way WebSite Auditor lets you instantly spot your top landing pages, and make sure that these pages are perfectly user-friendly and convert well.
Suits SEO newbies, as well as battle-hardened SEO pros
Gives plain-English advice
If needed, the software explains to you all crucial SEO terms and trends, gives detailed and clear optimization advice in plain English, recommending and giving the reasoning behind every optimization step that has to be made. All you have to do is make quick changes on your website following the software guidance. Whatever your SEO knowledge and experience are, WebSite Auditor leads you through the optimization process by the hand.
Quickly re-checks your site to evaluate changes
As soon as you make changes on your website following WebSite Auditor's recommendations, it takes just a few seconds to rebuild the project and evaluate how close your site has come to the ideal.
Offers advanced analysis for experts
For those who prefer twisting and turning data themselves, WebSite Auditor offers plenty of info to scrutinize. Advanced expert options allow you to tune all analysis settings. Customizable workspaces and filters give you maximum flexibility so that you are at the helm of the whole process.
Boosts productivity with top-notch optimization reports
Creates onpage optimization reports
WebSite Auditor analyzes your website rocket-fast and then conveniently fits all results into a website audit or content optimization report that's easy to understand even for a non-professional optimizer.
Generates 2 types of reports concerning the whole website
In the Website tab you have 2 types of reports on all crucial factors concerning the whole website: its structure, pages and HTML-coding.
Offers 3 ready-made types of page optimization reports
In the Webpages tab WebSite Auditor provides reports on optimization of each individual page. It lets you make a choice between a Page Structure Audit Report that deals with structural aspects of page optimization, Page Optimization Audit Report that guides you through content optimization of your page and Search Engines View Report, analyzing your page from search engine's perspective.
Shows how search engines see your pages
Switch to the Search Engines View Report and look at your pages exactly as search engines do. See how prominent your keywords will seem to Google and others, and what quick changes you can make to push up your site in search engines.
Allows customization of reports
Although all 5 types of optimization reports are ready-made, they are absolutely customizable. You can set-up everything from colors and logos that'll match your brand to report sections, introductory words etc.
Enables you to print out reports (Professional and Enterprise versions)
WebSite Auditor Professional and Enterprise users can print out SEO reports straight from the software. Just click the "Print" button to send the report you are viewing to your printer.
Printed versions of WebSite Auditor Professional reports contain a watermark, while Enterprise-level reports can be branded with one's logo, color scheme and other information.
Lets you save reports, e-mail them or publish to the web (available in Enterprise version only)
You've got all options to deliver reports to your SEO clients or make them available outside the software, for whatever purpose.
Save them in Adobe PDF format for printout and automatically create an organized folder structure based on the current date, client's name and web site. E-mail the PDF or HTML report to your clients or instantly upload it to a website via FTP, right from the software.
Get reports on your website's onpage optimization now, or learn how easily you can tune information layout in WebSite Auditor.
Offers top customizability and flexibility
Provides customizable Workspace filters
Set up Workspaces enforced with flexible filters to conveniently hide the information you don't want on your screen right now, and only display the results you're interested in.
For example, if you're optimizing a travel agency website, you may choose to see the analysis of only those pages containing the word "Spain" in their URLs, or only those keyphrases containing the word "Greece" in them.
Groups your data in tree-like lists
Only in WebSite Auditor, you can use the grouping option to organize all your records in a tree-like catalogue sorted by any characteristics. This unique feature saves you a whole lot of time when analyzing large data volumes.
Allows quick search
A quick filter lets you instantly locate any page among hundreds of other pages of your website, or any keyword within the huge list of words found on your site.
Gives you a choice of interface color schemes
WebSite Auditor has color schemes to suit your particular style and taste. Gray and blue, gray, sand, blue and orange, contrast gray — choose from a variety of well-balanced color options!

Guards you with numerous safety features
Leaves you safe and friendly with search engines
WebSite Auditor has a set of powerful features leaving you absolutely search engine friendly. These are search engine API keys, Human Emulation, User Agents rotation and the unique Proxy Rotation mechanism. All these features make sure that you query the search engines safely, and never violate their usage policy.
Lets you work from behind a proxy
You can work with WebSite Auditor from behind a proxy — all you need is to configure your settings in the Preferences.
Works on any platform and speaks different languages
Available for Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux
WebSite Auditor is cross-platform, and runs seamlessly on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Meaning you can run it on your Windows XP-based home PC or your Mac laptop with no fuss!
This SEO software not only optimizes sites in any language and for any country's search engines. It speaks several languages!
Take advantage of all these smashing features — start optimizing your website with super-charged WebSite Auditor right now.